Smartphone Addiction

Are you concerned that you are on your phone too much? Is your phone use keeping you from fully connecting with your family, friends, loved ones? Is it distracting you from your school or work? Does it keep you up at night? Do you feel anxious if you haven’t checked it for a while? While Smartphone technology is an amazing addition to our lives, we also know that overuse can exasperate feelings of depression and anxiety. Overuse also interferes with our ability to engage meaningfully with others. Additionally, studies are indicating that excessive use is changing the way our brains work, and not for the better. 

If you, or a family member, are struggling with these concerns, we at Counsel Connections can help. Our highly experienced counselors can help you manage your Smartphone use in a way that is productive, feels better, and adds to your life instead of detracting from it. We recognize that Smartphone Addiction may occur within the context of other life stressors as well, and we are able to help with those too. Each client’s counseling plan is developed around their own personal needs, and will be met with respect, compassion, and confidentiality. 

Smartphone Addiction Counseling available for:

  • Children
  • Teens 
  • Adults

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